Thursday, January 13, 2005

Initial Perceptions

Choose 5 websites that you think are good and say why. You can use criteria from your readings or create your own. Add your comments to this post. If one of your websites has already been chosen and commented on, choose another, so that all of us post different websites.

Here are five of my favorite HTML and CSS websites, in no particular order:
  1. A List Apart
    The EKU Web follows the ways of A List Apart's articles.

  2. Myer Web
    Eric Myer is a CSS expert. I believe he is the principal creator of CSS!

  3. Flash Interactivity and Animation
    A great place to visit for Flash tutorials and sample files.

  4. HTML Goodies
    Can't remember how to do something? This is a great place to start!

  5. Dave Raggett's Introduction to HTML
    Notice the web address. Since this tutorial sits on the site, I'm inclined to give it more weight.